Hi You Wonderful Partners,
At my age I'm stll learning to do things on the computer. A young friend of ours taught me how to us a blog. So here it is, my first one. I hope I can send it.
What's happening here? Joseph is marking examns, not his favorite activity. He has 32 first year students in his class. Our Saturday Bible school is sure growing. We're preparing for graduation ceremonies soon.
I do a lot of entertaining in the home. A good group of ladies from the neighbourhood got saved. They meet on Monday nights and plan their activities. One thing they do is gather food and then take it to a poor family and have a service there, praying for them. Visiting hospitals and sick people are other activities. The ladies want to come to our home for their meeting so I made carrott cake for them. They don't bake here, so home baking is so special.
The young people have their Bible studies on Tuesday nights with the pastor's wife. They too asked to come this month to have their studies here. I'm making tacos for them. Wanna come?
We're expecting company for 5 days from Pennsylvania the last week of this month. They're coming to spy out the work here to see how they can help. We usually go to the beach only when company comes - to take them.
Then on March 29th., Good Friday we fly to Vancouver for two months. It will be wonderful to see our families again. We'll be visiting churches in the Kootenays, the Okanagan and Vancouver Island. Hope to see you somewhere.
Bye for now. Thank you for praying for us.