martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

December 2013 Activities

December rolled in with a roar.

Bible school ended for the year with a Christmas meal at our home.  Over 60 students came and we had a Dominican feast.

What a Victory!!  Look at this!  We used our new church wing for the Christmas celebration.  It's wonderful to have more room.  Thank you for everyone who prayed ang gave and came to work on our church.  Lots of finishing yet to do, but the roof is on and  the floor is cement so we can use it now.  Praise God!!

Then our wonderful family came.  It's cold in Canada so, off course, the first thing they did was spend a few days at the beach.  They even went deep sea diving.

It was fun eating by the Caribbean Sea.  Joseph  enjoying the beauty with Robyn,  Amy and Steve. 

It's wonderful to have family around for Christmas.  We're enjoying our assignment in the Dominican Republic

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