We left The Dominican Republic with temperatures in the 80's.
Pennsylvania was still thawing out from their very cold windter. It rained without stopping for day and our bodies complained. But we survived. We're enjoying very much meeting friends.
Twenty years ago we came to Pennsylvania to begin working with the Assemblies of God. We met an interesting couple, Glen and Luli Stoltzfus. Glen's family came from an Amish background. Luli was a Bolivian girl. They met in Bible school, fell in love and got married. Soon they welcomed a baby boy, Jordan. Then Jonathan was born into the family. After the first joy and delight, they were shocked to find that Jonathan was missing part of his leg. The femur bone wasn't there. His knee was where his hip joint was suposed to be.
We became friends as they worked through the realization that their baby would be handicapped. Later they welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Julia. Years passed and we stayed with the Stoltzfus family when in the States.
What happened to Jonathan?
He grew to be a the sweetest young man who really loves Jesus. He is loved and has many friends dispite limping along on his artificial leg. After he graduated from High school last year, he and a couple of friends decided to walk across the United States. So he is doing it!!! Through all kinds of weather they press on.
As they walk and meet people, they love to tell them about their best friend, Jesus. They want to win people to the Lord.
If you want to follow their trip go to www.achurchofus.com
Here's Jonathan with his friends, Jeffery, and Trevor.
What a blessing the Stoltzfus family have been to us. They made a cozy "Prophet's chamber" for us to stay when we're in Pennsylvania, itinerating.
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