martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

December 2013 Activities

December rolled in with a roar.

Bible school ended for the year with a Christmas meal at our home.  Over 60 students came and we had a Dominican feast.

What a Victory!!  Look at this!  We used our new church wing for the Christmas celebration.  It's wonderful to have more room.  Thank you for everyone who prayed ang gave and came to work on our church.  Lots of finishing yet to do, but the roof is on and  the floor is cement so we can use it now.  Praise God!!

Then our wonderful family came.  It's cold in Canada so, off course, the first thing they did was spend a few days at the beach.  They even went deep sea diving.

It was fun eating by the Caribbean Sea.  Joseph  enjoying the beauty with Robyn,  Amy and Steve. 

It's wonderful to have family around for Christmas.  We're enjoying our assignment in the Dominican Republic

sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

Forging Ahead in November

November is flying by too quickly.  Dominicans love Christmas, so Christmas decorations start appearing before Hallow'en.  

The first week in November, a hard working team from Houston Pennsylvania came to help us.  It was led by the pastor's wife, Sophia Getchell.   A Christmas tree and decorations were there waiting to welcome them.  They worked hard on our church construction, ministering to the children and giving out food brought in by the Convoy of hope to the people in the neighbourhood.  

 Jeff and Becky Wiles worked along with the team.  Becky helped me feed the gang and their son David got in the action working hard with the men in the construction. 

Our building is progressing quickly, thanks to the financial investment of two generous churches,  Houston and Quakertown of Pennsylvania.  The roof is poured which is a huge blessing.  We're expecting a team, coming in January who will help us get into the church building.  Our folks are so grateful for the help they're recieving from all who have come.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Wonderful things are happening.

Life is interesting and busy around here.
Jeff, Beckie and David Wiles are welcomed by some of our missionaries

What a joy it is to have the Wiles family join us!  We're so glad they're here after studying Spanish in Costa Rica.  They live in the Missions house next door to us; we've had lots of fellowship.

Our car has been in the garage for almost two months.  They finally admitted that they can't find out what's wrong with it.   So we've been using taxis.  Joseph decided to try their motorcycle taxis and went bombing around on the back of a moto.  It's cheaper and he got around faster, but oh, so dangerous.  However he got a rash on his body and the doctor said it was from over-exposure to the sun because of the meds he's taking.  So back to taxis.

We had an interesting visit from Gerry Stoltfuz, a pastor in Gettysburg, PA and his sidekick Tommy Arnold.  Gerry is such a sold-out for God, inspirational guy.  He's out there to win as many souls as he can.  He has begun many churches in PA and now is holding campaigns plus teaching church-starters in the Dominican Republic.

Our missionarie, Jamie and Berly Bello put together a wonderful youth convention.  God showed up in a spectacular way. It was the highlight of the year for the youth. We were able to send some of our young people and they were ministered to and blessed.

Jeff and Becky joined right in to help us with the university gang.  We sure appreciate their support and encouragement. 

The University students celebrate Jeff's birthday with a cake.

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Doings in the Dominican Republic

Here we are again with some news from the Dominican Republic.

Our missionary leader. Mitch,  arranged for us to get away into the mountains for a day of rest and recreation after our busy time with the teams.  So here's Joseph on hourseback.  They went up  to see a falls in Jarabacoa.  There they were able to swim under the falls.  We had a great time of fun and fellowship. 

A group of  interested University students come to our home on Sunday nights to learn about Christianity.We feed them and then use the Alpha videos to  share the Gospel with them.  A lively time of discussion follows.  They are so eager to discuss and learn.  Then we give them some dessert and play games.  They love coming and never want to miss.  We're thankful for this opportunity to reach these young people for the Lord.

The construction for the church is coming along.  Teams are a great help.  People here are so thankful for  the help. We're praying God will continue to supply the funds we need to finish our extention.  Come help us.  

sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

A Blessing from the Peckville church in Blakely Pennsylvania.

They came to work, and work they did.  August is a very hot month  but no one complained as they joyfully served the Master.  We took them through the barrios, where the people live.  Our church people joined them to knock on people's doors, tell them the greatest news that Jesus loves them and is preparing
    a beautiful home for them in the future.                                                 We gave them bags of rice and beans  for which they were so happy.  One women said she got up in the morning and had nothing with which to make food for the family. When we gave her  the bag of beans and rice she cried and thanked God.   We were able to read the Word and pray with many of them.  Some have accepted the Lord and came to church on Sunday.  What wonderful news we have to share with people about the King of Kings who is our Father.

The children just kept  coming..  Over 150 came out for a wonderful time of story telling and crafts.   The
team came well prepared to share the love of Jesus with them.  They also brought welcome school supplies.


miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

What's happening in the DR

We are welcomed back with lots of hugs.
It's good to be back with our Dominican family again, although we miss our terribly our families at home.  We hope they will come to visit us for Christmas.

We barely unpacked our suitcases when we had a wonderful team from Pennsylvania come to help us build .  It's a wonderful to see  people sacrificing their vacations to come work hard in this heat.  May the Lord bless them.

Pedro and Victoria with their boys.
Pedro and Victoria were school teachers. One day Peter had a vision.  He saw a bright light shining above the Bible School.  The light connected with his house.  He felt God was calling him to study there, but was not sure how to start.  He visited the school with his wife, and Joseph said "Come to the chapel service!"
Childrens' cell group in a barrio
And then "We'll let you two study for the price of one!" Now both have graduated and are in the Lord's work together as "Christianteachers and pastors.

We are quickly surrounded by children whenever we have any activity.  Johnny has a cell group in a nearby barrio.  We want to help Johnny and his two helpers. Omyra and Katareen.  They are are very faithful.  We are looking for sponsors to help pay for Bible School for Johnny and Oymyra. The cost is $25 per month.  Soon they will be even better workers

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

May Activities

What an eventful month we hadPart of the excitement was the celebration of our 50th. wedding anniversary.  We were married in October, but since all our children and grandchildren are in B.C., we decided to do it now while we're home.  Stan and Sandy will be going to Malaysia in September.  Steve and family live in  Langley and the Kutneys are in Richmond.

All our children and grandchildren joined  us on a three day cruise.  It was a fantastic time for all.  To be all together for three days was so enjoyable.  We have a wonderful, loving family.

We really enjoyed seeing old friends in the Okanagan.  In Penticton we visited with Garry and Jean Fricker, our old Argentine comrads.  Rose and Ernie Harmann invited Bev and Tom Mearns to renew friendships.  It was so good to see Les and Helena Zachary, friends from the time I (Ellen) was a new Christian in Penticton.  

It was wonderful to visit the Kootenays.  Paul and  June Kavaloff let us crash at their home.  We travelled from there to Nakusp to see  Charlie Berry.  On the way we visited Danny Law in New Denver.  Had a lovely service at the Nakusp church.  It was special to see Keith and Vi Pennoyer in Grand Forks.  They have been a real example to us.  We also visited Stan and Leona Sharkey.  Their daughter Monica came for a chat.

We were travelled on the ferry six times to the Sunshine Coast and the Vancouver Island to speak in churches. It was wonderful to see so many  friends at conference.  The "Singing Holdens" let us stay in their nearby apartment. Old friends are a real treasure.

A very busy and happy time for us.  Now we're off to Pennsylvania to visit more churches.  

Thanks for your prayers and love.

Joseph and Ellen Anonby


lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


Hello to our FRIENDS...

FRIENDS are those who care ABOUT you.  They also care FOR you.

As we are travelling in our annual itineration, we meet friends, both new and old.  Old friends are a part of our extended "family."  We usually share a common history and view of how "life is" or how "life should be." Life has brought changes to us all.  It is interesting to observe those whose views have changed, and why they have changed. 

As we age, the things that are MOST important begin to change as well.  Getting closer to eternity, makes us realize how many seemingly important things are just temporal.  "What will it matter in 100 years?"  If we ourselves are getting closer to that age, we have a different perspective of what is of true value.

Love, God, family, relationships are the stuff of eternity.

Some new friends bring us fresh insights.  Mere "youngsters" are experts in navigating today's technology.  Toffler, in his book "Future Shock" written some years ago, seems to be forecasting today's world. A world in which the youth are the experts.

But the efemeral nature of technology makes us, once again, reach back for those things that are eternal.

Friends; they love us and they care for us.  And we are all on the journey to life everlasting.

Have fun on the journey.

Joseph and Ellen Anonby

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Home for Spring

Phone:  717 502 4412                                                                   Joseph and Ellen Anonby
Email:                                                            BM 7013
                                                                                                     Suite 110  8400 NW  25 St.
                                                                                                     Doral, FL.  33122  USA
Our Dear Friends and Supporters:

We're home!  (one of our homes).  We just landed in Vancouver to visit churches and raise support plus  finance our church building.  We plan to visit the Okanagan and the Kootneys this time, plus  the Coast.  It will be wonderful to see some of you in our travels.

It's so great  to see our families again.  How exciting it is to see  them all at the airport waiting for us. And then, come running, screaming with joy for hugs and kisses.   We cause quite a commotion at the airport.

March was a busy month for us with visitors from Pennsylvania.  Three sets of them came to evaluate our work and see how they can help us.  We trust they will send work teams to finish our building.

Our Bible school graduation was exciting with many completing their Saturday Bible school.  They get the same training as the day school, but have to work harder for it.   Pastor Kenny is one of our graduates.  We have several lawyers, a medical doctor and other professional people coming to study God's word.  Some began churches in their homes, but have never had Bible school training.  Others are married couples, for which the Bible School has no quarters. Our numbers are climbing to over 50.  We have an excellent Director now and qualified teachers.  Joseph really enjoys teaching his classes.

The Sunday school is doing well. Since all our people are new Christians, we didn't have any prepared teachers in our congregation.  So we're borrowing young people from another church to come and teach the children.  They come for Sunday school and then rush to their own church for their service.  We really appreciate their sacrifice.

Our area director visited us and all the missionaries got together for a meal.  A rare occasion

Much Love,  Joseph and Ellen

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Activities in the DR

Hi You Wonderful Partners,

At my age I'm stll learning to do things on the computer.  A young friend of ours taught me how to us a blog.  So here it is, my first one.   I hope I can send it.

What's happening here?  Joseph is marking examns, not his favorite activity.  He has 32 first year students in his class.  Our Saturday Bible school is sure growing.  We're preparing for graduation ceremonies soon.

I do a lot of entertaining in the home.  A good group of ladies from the neighbourhood got saved.  They meet on Monday nights and plan their activities.  One thing they do is gather food and then take it to a poor family and have a service there, praying for them.  Visiting hospitals and sick people are other activities.   The ladies want to come to our home for their meeting so I made carrott cake for them.  They don't bake here, so home baking is so special.

The young people have their Bible studies on Tuesday nights with the pastor's wife.  They too asked to come this month to have their studies here.  I'm making tacos for them.  Wanna come?

We're expecting company for 5 days from Pennsylvania the last week of this month.  They're coming to spy out the work here to see how they can help.  We usually go to the beach only when company comes - to take them.

Then on March 29th., Good Friday we fly to Vancouver for two months.  It will be wonderful to see our   families again. We'll be visiting churches in the Kootenays, the Okanagan and Vancouver Island.  Hope to see you somewhere.

Bye for now.  Thank you for praying for us.