sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

A Blessing from the Peckville church in Blakely Pennsylvania.

They came to work, and work they did.  August is a very hot month  but no one complained as they joyfully served the Master.  We took them through the barrios, where the people live.  Our church people joined them to knock on people's doors, tell them the greatest news that Jesus loves them and is preparing
    a beautiful home for them in the future.                                                 We gave them bags of rice and beans  for which they were so happy.  One women said she got up in the morning and had nothing with which to make food for the family. When we gave her  the bag of beans and rice she cried and thanked God.   We were able to read the Word and pray with many of them.  Some have accepted the Lord and came to church on Sunday.  What wonderful news we have to share with people about the King of Kings who is our Father.

The children just kept  coming..  Over 150 came out for a wonderful time of story telling and crafts.   The
team came well prepared to share the love of Jesus with them.  They also brought welcome school supplies.


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